A long-awaited update

E here, hard to believe it’s been over a year since we last posted on here! C has been busy sharing photos from the allotment on her Instagram page, but when it comes to these updates we never got back into it during 2021. The year passed by much as other years on the allotment, though our tomatoes got Blight in June/July and we got exactly 0 tomatoes from the plants this year, very disappointing.

I did finally put a new roof on my shed, and we built a Greenhouse! I’ll do a post on those at some point.

For now, a quick update: a new raised bed!

Ground under and around bed prepared with cardboard

I started by laying down a double layer of cardboard under and around the pallet collar, this is to suppress weeds but will rot down nicely. I then filled it up with compost and collected some woodchip from our communal pile with my wheelbarrow:

Finished bed with compost and woodchip

And it’s done! We sowed different types of leek in it (I’m very excited about one of them called “Northern Lights” which has lovely blueish leaves. C also sowed some radishes in between.

All in all a nice day!